Sarah Palin: Why McCain’s Pick is an Insult to Women

 REUTERS/Matt Sullivan

REUTERS/Matt Sullivan

We interrupt our regular programing to bring you a quick douse of cold water on the half-asleep faces of women all across America.  And if it has even CROSSED YOUR MIND to vote for John McCain solely because of his new running mate, that means this article is for YOU.

I could go off for a long time about the hypocrisy of McCain’s choice, especially after he has repeatedly lambasted Obama for his lack of political experience.  I could talk all about Mrs. Palin’s policies and why most of them fly in the face of what women as a voting whole (not every individual woman, mind you, but women as they have become a sort of political party of their own, with a common voice) stand for.  But I won’t.  Because why deliver a long, drawn out argument when I can keep it short and sweet and let you go read your other blogs or Stumble onto some Top 10 list of foods that will boost your energy?

So here it is, ladies:  McCain is insulting you.  He is insulting US, right under our noses, and if we don’t have the smarts to get the joke, we will become the punch line this November.

McCain is betting that America’s women are stupid enough to choose someone based on their chromosomes RATHER than on their policies.   And not even a President, but a Vice President, with far less power.  He is hoping that we will see that she has long hair and breasts and we will think, Wow, a chick!  Let’s get HER in the White House, no matter what policies she or McCain have!  Because, I mean, she’s a GIRL!

Come on!  Are we really THAT stupid?  Think of the woman in the world whom you despise most.  Is it Martha Stewart?  Rosanne?  That girl who made life hell for you in 8th grade?  How about that teacher who had a baby by her thirteen-year-old student?  Would she make a good President just because she’s female?  Would you really put ANYONE in the White House, as long as they had two X chromosomes?

(AP Photo/Juneau Empire, Brian Wallace)

(AP Photo/Juneau Empire, Brian Wallace)

God forbid that we are really that stupid, childish, and easily led astray.

I’m not going to go into Palin’s policies here, but all you need to do is run a quick Google search to see that her views have nothing in common with the views of American women as a voting group.  Off the top of my head, she is pro-life and pro-drilling in Alaska.  UrbanMamas also made an excellent point this week about her motherhood.

By choosing Palin, McCain is saying that he thinks that the majority of voting women are idiots.  By voting for him based on his running mate, we would be confirming this.

Now, as a final note, I want to clarify something.  While I do consider myself a Democrat and am excited to back Obama this November, I do not disagree with everything Sarah Palin says.  I, too, am pro-life, and I am not wholly opposed to drilling in Alaska.  There are quite a few issues on which Mrs. Palin and I agree, but that still doesn’t mean I would even consider voting for her.  Because it’s not Palin who is running for President, it’s McCain.  Is it worth it to give McCain the title of President and the great power and authority that comes with it, simply to make Sarah Palin our Vice President, with very little power in comparison?

That was a rhetorical question.  If you are still sitting there trying to think of an answer, please smack yourself on the forehead and try again.  You’re embarrassing me.

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Videoblogging is hard w/ 3 minutes of camera memory.

Pardon the boobs.

Joining the Party

Nester is having a Window Mistreatment Party, and I thought I would join in!

For those of you who don’t know, a window mistreatment is essentially a makeshift window treatment – something that is fast, cheap, does not require sewing, and instantly spruces up the room. Nester is the QUEEN of mistreating windows, and she’s invited up all to join her!

So… here is what our bedroom windows looked like when we moved in:

I gotta admit, I was kinda perplexed about how to handle that little problem corner. BUT… one round side table, two scarves, and two panels of cheapo apartment-type curtains from Freecycle later, and I think it looks a lot more inviting.

Using Nester’s technique of hanging the curtains above the actual window really added height to the room, I think.

Then there’s my kitchen. Do you guys remember my first mistreatment in there? The napkins? Here it is, to refresh your memory:

Well, then I found a cute tiered valance set at Goodwill for $4. I put the valance on the kitchen window, and then I ironed and pinned and tucked until I had turned the little curtain panels into a second valance for the dining room window.

I really think it helps pull the room together!

Finally, we have the girls room:

Nothing fancy, just a $3 cloth shower curtain from Goodwill, cut in half and hung with the cut edges against the wall so that the seamed sides are visible. I used those sharp curtain hooks (left over from the bedroom curtains) to hang them, and then use a little piece of purple ribbon to hold them together in the center. With a cheap light-blocking shade beneath it, it makes a great little makeshift curtain.

So there you have it! Hope you’ll hop on over to The Nesting Place and see what the other ladies have done with their windows!